PRODUCTS 運営サービス・自社製品

Until now, we have had many opportunities to be consistently involved in everything from meetings with customers to production, delivery, and after-sales follow-up. We are developing packaged products that take the form of your voice.
In addition, now that daily life has changed drastically due to the situation and changes in the world, we can quickly detect what society wants to live safely and securely, and develop new services. ・ Succeeded in commercialization.
We will always keep our antennas open, and we will take an emergency as a big business opportunity and actively work on it.


ファブコール!は、Web制作や広告代行などでお客様の課題解決をしてきたFabric Artsが運営するコンタクトセンター。これまでに蓄積したノウハウを活かし、LP制作からお客様のサポートまで、ワンストップで対応いたします。
Fab Call! is a contact center operated by Fabric Arts, which has been solving customers' problems through web production and advertising agency. Utilizing our accumulated know-how, we provide one-stop service from LP production to customer support.


今、多くの学校や企業で、感染症対策をきっかけに毎日の検温や体調報告、緊急時の安否確認などの様々な取り組みが進められています。「LIFE ONE(ライフワン)」は簡単な登録をするだけで、日々の体調報告をスマホで手軽にできるようになります。管理者は、情報の一元管理が可能になることで、業務効率化による管理コスト削減が実現します。
Nowadays, many schools and companies are taking various measures such as daily temperature measurement, physical condition report, and safety confirmation in an emergency, triggered by measures against infectious diseases. With "LIFE ONE", you can easily report your daily physical condition on your smartphone by simply registering. By enabling centralized management of information, administrators can reduce management costs by improving operational efficiency.


ecat商品はさらなる機能の向上を日々の目標として常に開発に取り組んでおり、最近の当社の手掛けるWebサイトはWeb制作に特化したCMSである「ecat WEB」を使用しているものが多くございます。
Web知識のない人にこそ使ってもらいたいシステムであり、Webサイトの運用面でのお困りごとも「ecat WEB」が解決へとつなげます。
ecat is a package that can help you in areas related to the Web, such as groupware that manages customer information, mail-order site construction, and CMS (Website update system) that anyone can easily update. Since each ecat product comes standard with the required functions, we will not add any functions from scratch.
We are constantly developing ecat products with the daily goal of further improving their functions, and many of our recent websites use "ecatWEB", which is a CMS specializing in web production.
Since the system is developed independently, the possibilities are endless, whether you want to narrow down to the necessary functions or add new functions by customizing not only the default functions.
In addition, the management screen is visually easy to understand so that it can be updated easily, and all customers complete the update work in-house. Customers who have been worried that it will take time for the update to be reflected after requesting the updater can also speedily disseminate information.
It is a system that we want people who do not have web knowledge to use, and "ecatWEB" can solve problems in the operation of websites.


Building a global site is now essential for companies active in overseas markets.
However, on the other hand, companies that think that there is no market overseas and have narrowed their possibilities because they do not own a multilingual site even though the door to the overseas market is open. At present, there are still many people in Japan.
Building a global site creates several factors that can accelerate a company's business. Nowadays, it is easier to connect with overseas through the Web, and there are many business opportunities there. A global site is indispensable to take the first step as a bridge to overseas markets.
